Институт кино и телевидения (ГИТР) как член ассоциации киношкол CILECT получил официальное письмо от руководителя Student Academy Awards (США) Шона Гутри (Shawn Guthrie).
Студентов ГИТРа, а так же их мастеров, приглашают подать лучшие работы на Студенческий «Оскар».
Прием работ на конкурс заканчивается 1 июня. Но нужно постараться пораньше, т.к. нужно ещё будет всё правильно оформить.
Правила участия изложены на портале, который указан в письме. По поводу участия обращаться к деканам факультетов или проректору Елене Анатольевне Богатыревой.
Dear Film Professor/School Administrator:
The 46th annual Student Academy Awards competition is accepting submissions and the final June 1 deadline is a short 6 weeks away.
As a reminder, there are two ways international students can become eligible for consideration. First, schools that are members of CILECT are invited to enter one student film in each of the four International film school categories: Narrative, Animation, Documentary and the newly expanded Alternative/Experimental.
Second, students at non-CILECT schools as well as those at CILECT schools may also qualify their film for the competition by being screened in competition at three of the festivals on our festival qualifying list. For this option, the student has a two year window to become eligible.
A downloadable graphic is included at the bottom of this email for distribution to your students as a deadline reminder or for posting on your school’s digital platform should you have one.
What’s in it for the students?
- No entry fee
- Only Academy members view the films
- Medal winners qualify for Oscar consideration
- Industry spotlight during SAA Week
- Students join the ranks of Spike Lee, Cary Fukunaga, Pete Docter, Patricia Riggen and Patricia Cardoso as Student Academy Award winners.
The competition rules, and a link to the online submission portal are available at www.oscars.org/saa. The entry deadline is June 1, 2019.
Entries, whether submitted by school administrators or the student filmmaker, will need to be verified before they are accepted. To speed up that process, please send confirmation of your school’s submissions by email to Hector Garcia at hgarcia@oscars.org.
Should you have any further questions, please contact me at sguthrie@oscars.org. We look forward to receiving your entry.
Shawn Guthrie
Sr. Manager, Student Academy Awards
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